Monday 28 January 2013

Learn how to do astral projection!

Knowing how to do astral projection is a hidden and mysterious skill in which you become completely aware of the different realms of the spiritual existence we are a part of. The astral world is a spiritual dimension that co-exists with our reality. Much like lucid dreaming, astral projection is the training of the mind to leave the body and travel with your soul body.

The best time to do astral projection is when you are by yourself and when you will not be bothered by noises phone calls or people. Another thing you can do is meditate before you astral project so you can align your balance and find the will power to achieve this transcendental state. Being able to ground yourself and clean your mind of negative thoughts and emotions is a great idea.

When you are relaxed lay down and loosen all the muscles in your body. Just lay there and focus on your breathing. Don't let your mind get distracted by annoying thoughts. I like to repeat a mantra or pray for the desire to achieve astral projection. When you are calm you want to achieve the state of between awake and sleep. If your body is paralyzed and your mind is awake envision a doorway in your mind.

Enter the doorway and you will enter a whole new universe which is known as the astral plane. The astral plane exists within your mind and your mind controls all facets of the astral plane. For more advice on how to astral project and learning how to lucid dream click here!

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