Monday 28 January 2013

Astral projection for beginners!

Have you been searching for tips and techniques on how to do astral projection for beginners? There is a ton of information you will need to know about and learning how to project in your dreams is a lot of fun. You will be able to eternally understand your unconscious mind and be able to travel the different realms of existence.

Lucid dreaming is almost identical to astral projection and there is a lot of different physical aspects to this plane of exsitence. When you hear of ghosts and hauntings, these beings exist in the astral worlds. When you are out at night you leave your body and are connected by a silver chord that connects your astral body to your physical body. Don't be scared, you can never lose contact with your physical body as you are protected.

You will not become possesed by any entities or elementals in the astral world. Most people visit the astral world often but most people will not remember it. You will have to learn how to dream journal and keep track of your dreams makes you more consciously aware of yourself and your mind while asleep.

I have found a great guide on how to lucid dream which explains astral projection over here!

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